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Bakersfield Mist by Stephen Sachs, directed by Peter Bisgaier

April 13-22, 2018

"Petito and Hinton create a sort of theatrical magic..." 

"...a most satisfying and entertaining evening." 

     - Bob Brown, Princeton Packet/TimeOff. 

"...there should be no question that audiences will be entertained by this first-rate production..."

"...Peter Bisgaier is skilled at eliciting strong, nuanced performances from his cast."


-Donald H. Sandborn, Town Topics

Photo credit: John M. Maurer


Maude Gutman: Donne Petito

Lionel Percy: Rupert Hinton

Production Team

Director: Peter Bisgaier

Dramaturge: Jonathan A. Martin

Scenic Design: Rachel Langley

Technical Director: Jeffrey Branin

Lighting Design: Robert Rutt

Costume Designer: Chrissy Johnson

Stage Manager: Victoria Kaiser

ASM: Megan Haltmeier

Bakersfield Mist  Tour of the Set

Take an in-depth tour of the the set for Bakersfield Mist with director, Peteri Bisgaier, explaining the significance of some of the items and decorations in Maude's trailer home.

The Bakersfield Mist  Vlog on Princeton TV

Princeton TV filmed a documentary of our process of producing Bakersfield Mist, from auditions to closing night.  This is the first episode, with the full documentary coming soon!

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