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Press Releases



by Stephen Dietz, directed by Peter Bisgaier

April 15-24, 2019



"Jennifer Nasta Zefutie delivers a luminous portrayal...David C. Neal is entertaining..."  

  -Town Topics


"Sarah Stryker plays this character beautifully."


"Bisgaier and a cast of sincere, realistic, engaging actors keep you listening and following the characters’ basic lives and interactions while skillfully creating an ending that comes as a surprise." 



Human Error

by Eric Pfeffinger, directed by Jennifer Nasta Zefutie

September 21-30, 2018

"The Pegasus cast is uniformly excellent." 

"Zefutie's astute direction...understands the originality of the piece and gets quickly and solidly to its core..." 


Bakersfield Mist  

"Petito and Hinton create a sort of theatrical magic..."  


"...a most satisfying and entertaining evening." 

  -Princeton Packet/TimeOff

"...there should be no question that audiences will be entertained by this first-rate production..."

"...Peter Bisgaier is skilled at eliciting strong, nuanced performances from his cast."

  -Town Topics

by Stephen Sachs, directed by Peter Bisgaier

April 13-22, 2018

Chapter Two

by Neil Simon, directed by Jennifer Nasta Zefutie

September 15-24, 2017


"...nuanced and visually alluring..."


"This production’s quartet of actors exudes strong chemistry, deftly choreographed movement, and nimble comic timing."

   -Town Topics


by Yasmina Reza, trans. Christopher Hampton, directed by Jennifer Nasta Zefutie 

March 31-April 9, 2017           

"Pegasus Theatre...staging of Yasmina Reza’s 'Art' isn’t just a terrific presentation of a funny and insightful play, it’s an example of a creative team perfectly using a small, intimate space to create an evening that is as powerful as it is funny."

"...Yvan [is] wonderfully played by Matthew Cassidy...Bisgaier and Nikolas are perfect for their roles."

"Zefutie's direction is fantastic."



" engaging comedy performed by a cast with good chemistry..."


"...strong acting is required to distinguish the characters. Fortunately, this trio is more than equal to the task."

   -Town Topics


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